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“A community that treasures its children must treasure its parents.”  ~ John Bowlby

Mindful parenting groups teach parents how to bring mindfulness into every day life at home for both children and teens as well as strengthening the family unit. Having a firm grasp of mindfulness tools will foster family connection especially in times of great stress.


Benefits of Mindfulness for Parents and Children:

  • Deepening the connection between parent and child. 

  • Teaching families to have peaceful moments in times of stress.

  • Helping parents and children understand the mind-body connection in order to anchor them to their present experience.

  • Fostering an awareness of attention thereby increasing focus and purposeful action. 

  • Strengthening emotional resiliency and self-esteem by honoring the authentic self.

Our mindful parenting group is coming soon and will be a 90-minute, weekly group which will be facilitated by Dr. Erin Cantwell, PhD and will utilize Dr. Daniel Siegel and Dr. Tina Payne Bryson’s Whole Brain Approach to parenting.


Areas of Focus:

• Parenting strategies based on the most current brain research 

• Navigating specific difficult behaviors in the moment

• Tools to alter the neuronal firing of the brain for both parents and children
• Identifying values and sense of meaning as it relates to parenting your child with their unique needs

• Increasing insight, communication and conflict resolution


To book a spot or for more information, please press the button below and submit your contact info:



10323 Santa Monica Blvd. 

Suites 102, 103 & 106

Los Angeles, CA 90025


10309 Santa Monica Blvd, 3rd Fl.

Suites 301, 302 & 303

Los Angeles, CA 90025

Located across from the Westfield Century City Mall


(424) 421-CARE (2273)


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